Tips for excursions Map of Turiec
Slovak National Museum – Andrej Kmet’s Museum

Slovak National Museum – Andrej Kmet’s Museum

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Distance from the hotel 17 km

The Slovak National Museum – Andrej Kmet’s Museum plays the role of a regional center of Turiec. It was founded in 1964. The museum manages more than 175,000 collection items, of which 8,700 are from the social sciences and 166,600 from the natural sciences. Among the most valuable are the paintings of the Révay Gallery, the collection of exotic butterflies of Ivan Zbíňovský and part of the herbarium and also zoological exhibits from the collection of Andrej Kmet.

The museum is housed in the first building of the Slovak National Museum, the construction of which was substantially contributed by the founder of Slovak museology, Andrej Kmet. The building has been listed as a national cultural monument since August 1994.