Tips for excursions Map of Turiec

Museums and history

The First Slovak Gymnasium in Kláštor pod Znievom
Distance from the hotel
12 km
Matica Slovenská
Distance from the hotel
16 km
National Cemetery
Distance from the hotel
15 km
The Museum of Roma Culture in Slovakia
Distance from the hotel
15 km
Jan Kollar Museum in Mošovce
Distance from the hotel
18 km
Literary Museum
Distance from the hotel
16 km
Slovak National Museum – Ethnographic Museum
Distance from the hotel
15 km
Slovak National Museum – Andrej Kmet’s Museum
Distance from the hotel
17 km
Kremnica Mint
Distance from the hotel
43 km
Martin Benka Museum
Distance from the hotel
16 km
Calvary Kláštor pod Znievom – the only calvary in Turiec
Distance from the hotel
13 km
0:40 hod. / 1,5 km (tam a späť)
Open-air Museum – Museum of the Slovak Village
Distance from the hotel
16 km